Risk Management Archives - School BUSRide

Safe Fleet SAVES Aims for a Gold Standard in Stop Arm Violation Enforcement

Presented by Safe Fleet Illegal school bus passing is a nationwide epidemic risking student safety each day. With high stakes, a dependable and effective solution like the Safe Fleet Stop Arm Violation Enforcement System (SAVES™) is crucial. Already proven in Florida pilot programs, SAVES™ embodies the “Danger Zone” safety net now primed for nationwide deployment, […]

Effective Strategies for Combating Risk in the School Bus Danger Zone

The ninth annual National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) survey of national illegal school bus passes found more than 95,000 motorists ran school bus stop arms in one day in the 2023 school year. The previous year’s survey reported 83,944 passing incidents. That’s a shocking increase, especially when you consider the […]

The Importance of School Travel Training in Secondary Transition Planning

The United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, emphasized in an up-to-date blog the importance of secondary planning for students with disabilities. The goal being the preparation of students with disabilities for successful secondary transition to postsecondary education, and community living in a range of independent and supportive settings. When […]

Perimeter Fencing Keeps School Buses Secure

School bus safety is about child safety. That’s why buses are highly visible with flashing lights, and why they’re equipped with stop-sign arms and cross-view mirrors. But when children aren’t on board,  what’s being done about school bus security? School buses are expensive and have valuable parts, making them targets for theft and vandalism. The […]

Do You See What I See?

Perhaps no one sees their community as much or as well as school bus drivers. In their route, school bus drivers go into all neighborhoods and down many side streets that mass transit buses and other vehicles don’t use and the police may circle only now and again. It’s always intrigued me what school bus […]

Caught In the Act!

An American President once called for our nation to look for ‘a thousand points of light’ around our communities and neighborhoods. His call was for us to find ways to unite and to see the good in one another while also encouraging us all to find ways to help one another.  In that same spirit, […]

Thinking: About the Children

As I sat and pondered what strand of thought to follow in what is often called a ‘thought piece,’ it struck me that my intent in each of these monthly writings was to get us all to just consider topics and share discussion. It seems like there is not enough time in our days lately […]

Risk Intelligence: A New Approach

Editor’s Note: This article is a continuation of last month’s “Highly Risk Intelligence School Districts” by Lee Gaby. Please see the August 2022 edition online at school-busride.com for that article. The concept of risk intelligence can be understood as practices that go before, along with, and beyond risk management. Whenever there is a concern for […]

The Media and Liability: Expecting Excellence

CAVEAT LECTOR  (Let the reader beware):  I write this piece acknowledging I am neither attorney nor a professional journalist. But my experiences in each of those worlds have afforded me certain useful knowledge and insights. That is what I share here. I hope to provoke thoughts on your end, and I also caution you to […]