Welcome to the March Issue!

In the modern world, finding reliable and valuable information can be a real challenge. That’s why in every issue of our publication, we strive to offer our members the essential information and resources aimed to help achieve operational success.

While the yellow bus remains an educational icon, in truth it is not the same today as it was twenty years ago. The 2023-2024 academic year has presented challenges for numerous members and their school districts. In this post-pandemic era, our workplaces and industry are undergoing continuous transformation.

Technological advancements are progressing rapidly, while buses and equipment are being upgraded. Despite these advancements, we continue to grapple with long-standing issues such as a shortage of bus drivers and challenges in student management.

Leadership and creativity are more important now than ever before.

I have the privilege of following many of our members and a cadre of school bus drivers across my social media platforms. It delights me to see the pride they take in their work and the professionalism that they show. In a world of naysayers and often negativity, they see the value and importance of their work, understanding that our cargo is beyond precious. 

In a recent television interview, a reporter asked me why anyone would be a bus driver or work in our industry? The perception is that the negatives outweigh the positives. My reply was that it is our profession that positively impacts the lives of our students. It is our industry that has the opportunity, each and every day, to connect home to school for so many young children. What a beautiful thing it is to work in student transportation to make that happen!

I know the days are hard but please always remember that what you do matters. Thank you daily for showing up, contributing and being a leader in our industry. 

With love and respect,
