NAPT Executive Director and CEO
What is it they say about the best-laid plans? Ah, I recall: “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” That perfectly describes our start to 2025. At the end of 2024, we gave our professional staff some much deserved time off and then began the New Year with high hopes and meticulously crafted strategies, but life, as it often does, had its own ideas.
A series of unexpected events unfolded, each one a gentle reminder that flexibility and resilience are just as important as planning. Hence why you are receiving our January issue later in the month vs. the start.
Regardless, here we are, embarking on the year with poise and a strong commitment to success. We are confident that this issue will provide an array of innovative ideas and products designed to inspire your thinking and enhance your work. We have curated a collection of articles and insights that reflect the dynamic landscape of our industry and the power of those who navigate it.
Our team has worked diligently to bring you content that not only informs but also empowers you to be the best student transportation professional there is. We hope you find the stories and features within these pages both enlightening and motivating. Each piece has been crafted with you in mind, aiming to provide useful tools and spark new ideas that can be implemented in your day-to-day operations.
January demonstrated the true strength of perseverance and reminded us of the importance of valuing flexibility. Our board leadership and professional staff remain committed to supporting you with the resources and knowledge you need to succeed, no matter the challenges ahead. Our commitment to your success is unwavering, and we are thrilled to embark on this journey with you.
Together, we will continue to push boundaries, explore new ideas, and create a future where every student is transported safely and efficiently. Thank you for being a part of this vibrant community, and let’s make 2025 a year of growth and triumph.
With love, respect, and a knowing nod,