Summertime and the Student Transportation Industry is Busy….

Molly McGee-Hewitt, PhD, CAE, NAPT
NAPT Executive Director and CEO

Do you recall a mesmerizing melody by Johnny Cash echoing the words, “I’ve been everywhere, man”? He rattles off a never-ending list of cities, traveling far and wide. Honestly, that song speaks to my soul this summer!

Many of our state affiliates and transportation organizations hold their annual conferences over the summer months; I am honored to have participated in more than 20 of these events! What a distinct pleasure it has been to present a keynote for many of them and to connect with our members and business partners all throughout the summer. Along with my travels, your NAPT and Foundation leaders have also been traveling, presenting, and attending many state conferences. If you’re not already following us on social media (which you should be), you will see that we’ve named this summer our State Affiliate Summer Conference Tour. There’s a good reason for it – NAPT has been all over the place this summer!

Our industry is filled with professionals who voluntarily and willingly seek out professional development and are always looking for ways to improve student safety and efficiency in operations. Often, they attend these events on unpaid time and spend their own money to participate. What an exceptional way to show commitment to our industry and profession. It was truly remarkable to witness!

In addition to our summer conference tour, our volunteer leaders and professional staff have been busy!

In May, NAPT was able to inaugurate our first annual State Affiliate Leadership Meeting in Buffalo, New York. Sixteen affiliates took part in this significant event, marking a fantastic beginning to our summer. Through this event, we have established new partnerships and connections. Keep an eye out for updates on these exciting projects!

Our Public Policy Committee has truly become a powerhouse in the world of regulation, legislation, and advocacy. Their position papers and work on the most vital issues facing our membership are exemplary! It is important that you understand that your voices are being heard at the federal level; we will continue to advocate for the most vital issues impacting student transportation.

We also rolled out our revamped Leadership Training Academies, with our newest class on Management and Supervision for the student transportation leader. We have more of these day-long programs planned across the county this year!

In early June, a joint meeting of our NAPT and NAPT Foundation Boards took place in Raleigh, North Carolina where the launch of a three-year initiative named NAPT Under Construction marked the beginning. In preparation for the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Annual Conference and Trade Show, leadership gathered to assess our initiatives, strategize for the future, and uncover new prospects. Despite their hectic schedules, the leaders and professional staff were present, eager, and positive about the future of the association! We will share updates from this event as we move forward.

We are committed to developing new and improving existing services for our members, expanding our position in the industry, and working cooperatively with our business partner and affiliate organizations. We welcome the members who serve on our committees and support our endeavors!

This October 4 – 8 in Oklahoma City we will provide further updates and information on everything we have been working on! In addition, we have a new and expanded trade show format, outstanding keynote presentations, state of the art workshops, and new programs! We hope to see you there!

With love, respect, and a knowing nod,    


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