Special Needs / Accessibility Archives - Page 2 of 2 - School BUSRide

Why is There Litigation in School Transportation?

Lessons from the Experts School districts are regularly assigned responsibility for transporting our nation’s school-age children with and without disabilities to and from school, utilizing school district vehicles and personnel, and/or approved contractor vehicles and personnel. Regardless of the service delivery model selected, it is reasonable to scrutinize if school transportation safety practices are given […]

The Risk of Underestimating School Transportation Challenges for Children with Disabilities Under the Coronavirus

By Linda F. Bluth, Ed.D. The provision of transportation for children with disabilities during the coronavirus can be depicted as perplexing and complicated. School districts across our nation have overwhelmingly underestimated the debilitating impact of the coronavirus on school transportation for children with disabilities and their non-disabled peers alike. A transportation director recently described his […]

Special-Needs Training and Standardization Remains a Priority

Teena Mitchell of Greenville County Schools (https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/) says that hands-on, face-to-face training is critical, even in the wake of a pandemic With nearly 250 special needs drivers, aides, and administrators, all working to safely transport more than 1,200 special-needs students daily, Greenville County Schools understands the importance of effectively training and testing its special-needs personnel. […]

A Case for Updating Policies and Procedures for Transporting Children with Disabilities

The onset of COVID-19 brought about an unanticipated rapid request for assistance, regarding the provision of related-service transportation for children with disabilities under pandemic circumstance. Instantaneously, this became a hot topic for transportation and special education personnel. How to address transportation for these children with disabilities with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) continues to remain a […]