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Selecting the Right Surveillance System for Your School Bus Operation

  Which factors should pupil transportation providers consider when spec’ing a new surveillance system? Clint Bryer: The number one factor transportation providers should consider when spec’ing a new surveillance system is reliability. None of the other factors matter if the system is not reliable. Second to that should be to focus on areas of coverage […]

School BUSRide Exclusive Interview: ASBO International Leadership

School BUSRide spoke with David Lewis, executive director, and Siobhan McMahon, chief operations officer, of the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International. ASBO International is a global network of school business professionals, promoting standards of school business management, professional growth, and effective use of educational resources. Please tell us about your professional backgrounds, and […]

Zonar Helps Schools Adjust to the New Normal

The scope of students being transported to school  is evolving every day in the wake of COVID-19. As schools slowly return to holding in-person classes under new guidelines, the act of going to school will be far from what was previously considered “normal.” In a post-COVID world, buses are not operating every day. Some routes […]

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: NTSB Vice-Chairman Bruce Landsberg

Bruce Landsberg, vice chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), spoke with NAPT® and School BUSRide about maintaining the school bus industry’s vital safety culture amid the challenges of COVID-19. Landsberg also discussed the NATP’s ambitious Zip. Zero. Nada. None. campaign, as well as the critical role which safety technology and training will play […]

Building a New Transportation Center Requires a Multi-Tiered Approach

If you have ever dreamed of building a new transportation center, there are many things you and your team need  to consider before putting pen to paper. This article will highlight some of the lessons we learned in building our new facility in 2019. Key areas to consider include studies, committees, needs vs. wants, concepts, […]