The Transportation Ripple Effect

Effective school transportation is more than just getting students from home to school and back. Leveraging technology for efficient routing and on-time performance has a ripple effect that builds trust and ensures reliability to enhance the overall experience for students, parents, and staff.
School BUSRide  spoke with two districts utilizing Transfinder solutions to better ensure on-time and safe transportation for their kids. They discussed this “ripple effect,” and how it has affected their community and transportation departments:


Scotia-Glenville Central School District

Clara Bisaillon, transportation supervisor for Scotia-Glenville Central School District in Scotia, New York, shared how leveraging advanced technology with Transfinder has created a ripple effect of benefits across her community.

For the approximately 1,400 to 1,500 students transported daily by Scotia-Glenville Central School District, punctual bus arrivals are crucial. Bisaillon said that the use of Transfinder’s Routefinder PLUS, Stopfinder, Viewfinder, and Tripfinder has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of their transportation system.

“Having reliable and accurate routing has made a huge difference,” she said. “With Routefinder PLUS, our maps are up to date, which means that even if I’m out driving the bus myself due to staffing shortages, I can trust the directions.”

This reliability translates to a better start for students, she said. When buses arrive on time, students experience less stress and disruption, contributing to a smoother transition into their school day.

“Some kids need to be ready 30 minutes before the bus arrives, while others are more last-minute,” Bisaillon said. “Stopfinder helps accommodate these different needs by allowing parents to track the bus and receive notifications about its arrival.”

For parents, knowing that their child’s bus will arrive on time is a significant relief. Stopfinder, the parent-facing app by Transfinder, plays a crucial role in this reassurance. It allows parents to track buses in real-time and receive notifications when the bus is approaching.

“Being able to communicate any changes, like delays or bus number updates, directly to parents helps prevent confusion and frustration,” Bisaillon said. “Parents can adjust their routines accordingly, knowing exactly when to expect the bus.”

Clara Bisaillon, transportation supervisor; Brianna Winslow, transportation assistant; Lisa Cremo, driver; and Sean Kenneally, driver; for Scotia-Glenville Central School District


This proactive communication reduces the number of frantic calls to the transportation department, which can be particularly valuable during periods of high demand or staffing shortages, Bisaillon said.

“It sets us up for success,” she said. “Even if there are changes, we can inform parents quickly and ensure they’re not left wondering where the bus is.”

The benefits of timely bus arrivals and effective communication extend to the transportation department itself. With Transfinder’s software suite, the Scotia-Glenville Central School District has streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency.

“The transition from Routefinder Pro to Routefinder PLUS was a game-changer for us,” Bisaillon said. “The upgraded maps have made our routes more accurate, which is vital when you’re dealing with a diverse area that includes both hilly and suburban regions.”

This improved accuracy not only assists the drivers but also supports department staff who are responsible for planning and managing routes.

“Our secretaries and other facilities use Viewfinder to access transportation information, which makes it easier for them to assist students and parents,” she added. “In a time of unprecedented staffing shortages, having these tools at our disposal has made our jobs much easier.”

In a close-knit community like Scotia-Glenville building and maintaining trust is essential. Bisaillon described how the district’s use of advanced technology fosters a sense of reliability and commitment.

“We’re a small district with a strong community connection,” she said. “When we can provide accurate, timely information and reliable service, it strengthens our relationship with parents and students.”

The ripple effect of this trust is felt throughout the district.

“Parents trust that their children are in good hands, and students start their day with less anxiety,” Bisaillon said. “This trust extends to our staff, who appreciate the support and efficiency provided by the Transfinder team.”

Bisaillon’s experience highlights the importance of adapting technology to meet evolving needs.

“Even though we’ve used Transfinder for over 30 years, the recent updates have made a huge difference,” she said. “It’s about staying current and making sure our technology evolves with our needs.”

As the district continues to navigate challenges and seize opportunities, the role of technology remains vital.

Tuscaloosa County School System

Craig Henson, Transportation Coordinator for the Tuscaloosa County School System in Alabama, discussed how his team utilizes technology to streamline operations and build a stronger community.

Henson said that trust is a cornerstone of successful school transportation. He said that when a bus is even a few minutes late, it can trigger a flurry of calls from concerned parents. This reflects the significant role that reliable bus schedules play in maintaining trust.

“Even if parents are frustrated by a delay, it shows how much they rely on the bus being on time,” Henson said.

This trust in punctuality is crucial for ensuring a smooth start to the school day and building a positive relationship between schools and families, he said.

Being on time and safe is essential for fostering a supportive and productive learning environment.
– Craig Henson, Transportation Coordinator, Tuscaloosa County School System


A dependable transportation system contributes to a positive student experience. Henson said that when buses run on time, students start their day without unnecessary stress, which supports better behavior and focus in class. Conversely, delays can disrupt students’ routines, potentially affecting their academic performance and overall mood.

“A late bus can set a negative tone for the day, affecting not just the child but potentially the whole classroom environment,” he said. “Being on time and safe is essential for fostering a supportive and productive learning environment.”

Henson’s team integrates advanced technology to improve operational efficiency and communication. Using Transfinder’s Routefinder PLUS and Wayfinder navigation systems,. as well as Tripfinder’s field trip planning capabilities, they manage bus routes and ensure accurate data dissemination. After importing and cleaning data, Henson oversees the technical aspects, ensuring alignment and accuracy.

“We handle the technical details to ensure everything aligns correctly,” he said.

The integration with the Transfinder suite the district’s student information system, is a key feature. Bus information is accessible directly within PowerSchool, providing real-time updates to both schools and parents.

“Parents get timely emails, and schools can view the same data, making it easier for everyone involved,” he said.

Efficient communication is another benefit of advanced technology. Henson’s team has moved from manual texting to automated systems by Transfinder for distributing bus information. This transition has not only sped up the process but also reduced errors.

“We used to struggle with manually sending information, but now it’s done efficiently and accurately,” he said. “It ensures that drivers and parents receive precise information, which enhances overall service quality.”

Henson underlined the importance of leveraging each transportation team member’s strengths and passions. By aligning roles with individual expertise, the team operates more effectively and builds mutual trust.

“We make sure everyone is doing what they are best at and most passionate about,” he said.

This approach promotes a collaborative environment where each team member contributes to the success of the transportation system. Over time, this trust and efficiency create a positive cycle of success and continuous improvement.

Henson praised Transfinder for its commitment to continuous improvement.

“If you sit long, you get stagnant,” he said.

He said Transfinder’s proactive approach to innovation—such as developing Routefinder PLUS and expanding to tools like Stopfinder and Tripfinder—demonstrates their dedication to staying ahead of industry needs. Henson values their eagerness to seek feedback and adapt.

“They’re always trying to move forward, anticipating needs before they arise.”

For those considering upgrading their routing technology, Henson suggested requesting a demo to experience the platform firsthand and asking for references from nearby users.

He suggested talking to other districts about their experiences, because “seeing the product in action and talking to real users will give you a clearer picture.”Additionally, visiting another transportation office to view the product in operation can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness.

Recently, Henson’s team at the Tuscaloosa County School System played a pivotal role in a pilot study that led to the statewide approval of tablet-based navigation for school buses in Alabama.

“What started as a pilot study with Transfinder’s Wayfinder navigation has now benefited all school systems in Alabama,” he said. “Our use of the product didn’t just improve our system; it set a precedent that positively affects hundreds of other systems.”

Henson highlighted Transfinder’s commitment to innovation as the key factor in the technology’s success.

“They always want to continue to move to the next level,” he said. “Even today, they’re seeking feedback and ideas for future improvements.”

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